rolling away

i pushed this ball up the hill for the first 50 years of my life

sometimes when i stumbled it rolled back over me

i would hem and haw, curse and complain, get myself together and start over again

this process lasted for some time before it was evident to me, unless i made better choices this was the life ahead of me

i looked at my back pages and got honest enough to see, it wasn’t that life was unfair, i never took responsibility

it took awhile before i learned that even a conscious life has its turns and sometimes i would need to stop and block the ball and learn

then when i was ready i could begin again, now on better footing before my journey began

then it seemed i had reached the summit and struggles decreased, but i didn’t stay there very long before it was plain to me

the ball was gaining momentum as it rolled down the hill and it took all my effort to try and keep it under control

then it was just to much and i stepped aside and i heard a voice say : ”you have changed the direction and everything will be okay, let your life proceed and live your best everyday. Life is a strange procession and no ones’ path is the same, by the time most figure this out, it has gone away. You weren’t a fast learner, and that is okay at least you got it together before it passed away.”

be aware……………………..your ball is rolling, only you can change the direction