as the smoke clears

this world had it’s way with me

with its enticements and its thrills

i would go to sleep each night

wondering how i could earn its spoils

then i saw men who had attained the pleasure that i sought

troubled me even more for they appeared as though they were in a box

from the corner of my eye i saw a young lass skip and sing

so i inquired, what event had transpired to give her such an endless ‘Spring’

to which she replied, ” those men you have been watching have fought long and hard for the treasures of this world, seeking status and regard from the applause of good men, but i believe a better way has come into my mind. For i seek the affection and respect of God who rules both day and night. As their treasures lose there sheen and grow old, mine are still coming as each day unfolds. So it is my good fortune that i have found a joy that never ends and i will be distraught no more without the applause of these foolish men”

at that second my life was changed and the smoke finally cleared