history repeats itself

what have i learned in these years i have stumbled across this


that history repeats itself, things we often find offensive we end up perpetuating ourselves

is it that example was so indelible in our memories that it doomed us to repeat them?

it has often been proven that whatever we focus on comes to fruition good or bad

i know the scar that grandmother scored you with the way the will went down, with your loud talking holier than thou uncle lining his pockets and the daughters left at the station with a suitcase and photos

now so many years later my gut tells me history is about to repeat itself

what bothers me the most, you changed my Fathers will

it wasn’t the proceeds i am concerned with

it’s the fact you took that option away from me to do the right thing

you didn’t trust me to do the right thing so you made sure it was going to go down the way you wanted

sneaky at best, spiteful probably more correct

you see i love you and always will…………………….but i also know you

the little girl who never faced her fears and hid from them all her life


have it your way, but by so doing there is always a price to pay

hope you calculated correctly………………you may be surprised
