facts are facts

facts are facts and yet how differently we react depending on our own personal agenda

distortion is the ability to manipulate the truth to support your beliefs

but if you look deep enough you can uncover the truth despite exhaustive attempts to hide it

like a splinter it wants to be removed and released

you hear the popular saying , ”your truth or my truth” quite comical

the truth is the truth, your spin on it is ”your truth”, but not necessarily ” the truth”

the truth is devoid of opinion, preference or interpretation

it stands alone and ins’t subject to change, it is what it is

i am selfish, the fire is hot, our government is broken, the cost of living is high, we are living in a ”me” world……………………these are truths

like has nothing to do with the truth

i don’t like pigs feet but that doesn’t stop them from being pigs feet

have the courage and clarity to see the truth by questioning your opinions and pushing them out of the way

you will become a valued member of society and you will learn things you never imagined

seek the truth