the Raven and the Finch

it was a dark, cold rainy night

the winds so strong no birds took flight

and a little bird was startled when he saw in the pale moonlight

a Raven perched on the limb

the Raven approached and in a deep, scary voice he said ”what a miserable night and it may get worse and I am hungry, dying of thirst”

the Finch mustered his courage and in a strong steady voice he said,

”perhaps i can be more valuable then a small quick meal, because i go places that you cannot go and i know things that you cannot know because of your stature”

”there is a bowl like shape in the branch below and it collects water as the rain comes and goes and i think you will be able to quench your thirst, please go and see”

the Raven jumped to the lower part branch of the tree and it was as the Finch said it would be and he returned, refreshed and renewed

”indeed it was as you speak and that bit of water was refreshing to me, but now to address the other issue at hand, i am hungry and you are here”

the Finch knew it would take courage and sense if he was to survive this cold dark night and he remembered a verse his mother use to sing, ”sometimes being little is a beautiful thing”

” because of my size there are places i can go and secrets of the forest that you wouldn’t know and i will teach you these wonderful things if you spare my life and become my friend”

the Raven chuckled and laughed before he spoke ” for such a small thing you are full of yourself, but i will consider your offer if you can supply a morsel of food to take me through the night”

the Finch spoke,” during the last storm a tree fell this way and broke several branches as it crashed to the ground, where they are broken bugs have move in to build homes and there is your meal my friend”

after several minutes the Raven returned and thanked the Finch for the information he had learned and he said,” your advice has been true and as such i feel perhaps a deal can be struck, i will offer you protection and you can teach and old bird like me how to find things he cannot see”

without a word from the Finch the deal was struck and he directed the Raven to a nest up above that had been abandoned by a family of squirrels that had added to their brood

the morning sun brought and end to the rain and a great friendship, that remains to this day

be quick on your mind and ready with your feet