not a crystal ball reader

don’t know why i spend so much time predicting the future when my understanding of the past is shaky at best life gives you many blessings disguised as curses and many curses disguised as blessings there are reasons why we are presented with different paths they all involve something we need to learn sometimes we…

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the passion matured is peace

the passion of youth now ebbs and flows where it goes i don’t exactly know the energy to go,go,go…………………….is gone and not for a moment think i lament, for most of that energy was ill-spent in involving myself in activities that required sacrifices i wasn’t willing to make the terminology of ” CHASING A DREAM”…

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a simple path to sobriety, that you will complicate

1 want something better than you have 2 get involved with a recovery group/ sincerity is more important than which group 3 do what is recommended, remember you don’t know jack about recovery{this is where you either resist or comply} 4 establish a network of people serious about recovery and get a mentor, remember everyone…

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the family tree just fell on me and it didn’t feel very good anger doesn’t look good on me and not much better on you no one responded well and they never do so the brother who was always passive and tried to get along has passed away and in his place a tiger now…

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stop looking

an old man once said as he wiped the sweat from his brow ” son i reckon you are about chasing the girls, so i thought you ought to know, there ain’t no perfect ones, never will be” ”so when you are ready and you look for a mate, find one that’s honest and stands…

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your light

i saw your light when you where listening to someone struggling to stay sober volumes of wisdom and concern surrounded you and your acquaintance with comfort and understanding you asked questions that moved the conversation to discovery you could see it in their eyes, like finding something that had been lost you empathy was disarming…

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you were across the room, but i heard you when you shared i heard you with my ears and then i heard you with my heart your eyes locked on mine when you could see i was trying to listen watching someone start a new way of life is invigorating and uplifting you found the…

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not just a sunset-Godset/for t.l.

we were describing a sunset, you had been there before and i was saddened by your response, you remarked” what were the people clapping for” i suppose it could be age but it also could be something more because God isn’t part of your life the majestic beauty nothing else could contrive, never get me…

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