is it you don’t know/ or

Don't be afraid to swim in the waters. The source will keep you safe.

is it you don’t know or you don’t want to know fret if you like, the answers are always there perhaps not the answer you prefer ………………………………………………………………………………….. something i have to say everyday: i don’t know that i would have chosen the path that has been suggested…………………..but i believe i have plugged into the ”source”………….that…

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the poet lies

the poet has a habit of lying to himself and fantasies get stuck in trees like kites that have met their untimely demise the world is a magical mystery and needs no embellishment, but try telling that to a poet draping the world in velvet or burlap as the mood directs only to find comfort…

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own it

own what you say or do or don’t do refrain from the lamest thing a person can say, “sorry” the first step in solution and resolution is listening be consistent and absorb what is being said to you hear with your head and heart and leave ”like” out of it most of the time at…

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one note

Your Symphony

the universe is a symphony and everyday it plays for me i take the conductor’s stand and they follow my commands i can raise the notes high or bring the notes low, cause a commotion or makes the notes flow i can determine how things go with the baton of life in my hand no…

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dirty snow

Dirty Snow

the snowflakes tumble to the ground as i watch from the window beautiful wonder breeding enchantment and tranquility days pass and the beautiful piles of lingering snow have become eyesores interesting that something so beautiful could end up being so repulsive makes me think of ill fated relationships founded on the beauty of the moment…

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words are my internal wind

there is a breeze that blows through my mind lifts my kite and it soars in the sky and these simple words continue to defy my attempts to constrain them as soon as i feel i have one sorted out , i place it in a compartment and it screams and shouts, ” but this…

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Cocoon-the struggles in life never end. The trick is learning how to enjoy them.

it used to bother me but not so much anymore humans striving to adhere and implement spiritual principals are awkward at best not anticipating to start sprouting wings anytime soon i am left with the realization that this is a methodical and measured walk i am constantly fighting a battle of what is the right…

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take time, don’t let time take you

only so many hours in the day, i check my watch as it slips away i need to be aware that once its’ gone its’ gone so i try to make choices that will help me feel productive and strong the day that was given, is the day that’s gone i made a deal with…

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the power of a flower

a flower is defenseless and yet so powerful power is so often associated with strength or domination and that is such a limited view scenario: a friend is sick and feeling down and you knock at the door an a flower turns a frown upside down scenario: been a tough day, you took a few…

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