big talk/ little walk

we were visiting the Smokies when i was a kid, we all got moccasins , trinkets and hats

and an Indian was there to take pictures with the tourists, we kids thought that was cool, what do kids know

i was mesmerized by his presence and the aura that surrounded him, i sensed his peace and his turmoil

my brothers left to investigate something else but i was frozen, i was in awe

he was tall and his face looked more like stone than flesh, he smiled and asked me ” little moon what to you wait for” and all i could do was smile

he sat in rocking chair and motioned me to come over, i walked like a mechanical robot and he smiled

he said ”i will give you the gift you could not ask for because you are young, remember this as you grow older and the meaning and the memory of our meeting will never leave you”

” there are many in this world that talk a great talk, but few who walk a great walk, be slow to speak and let your life resemble the words you speak, do not be big talk and little walk……………that is no way to live”

the words were carved into my brain and i knew it had something to do with say what you mean and mean what you say, but to this day i have never forgotten him , or his advice and i check myself on it on a regular basis

no big talk/ little walk