the passion matured is peace

the passion of youth now ebbs and flows

where it goes i don’t exactly know

the energy to go,go,go…………………….is gone

and not for a moment think i lament, for most of that energy was ill-spent

in involving myself in activities that required sacrifices i wasn’t willing to make

the terminology of ” CHASING A DREAM” is laughable

one doesn’t chase a dream, you make the dream, build the dream, push the dream

i waited for the dream, and where it lead me was to a remote bus stop, with a ticket and a schedule

when you opened it, it said ”this bus has no regular schedule, random at best…….you would be better off walking in the direction you wish to go”

now that i know, what i know now, i’m not sure i would do anything different…………………….the bus isn’t coming

but i am enjoying the walk

peace is a successful destination and i would rather have it than accomplish a dream and be miserable

acknowledge your blessings ,they are your gold