a simple path to sobriety, that you will complicate

1 want something better than you have

2 get involved with a recovery group/ sincerity is more important than which group

3 do what is recommended, remember you don’t know jack about recovery{this is where you either resist or comply}

4 establish a network of people serious about recovery and get a mentor, remember everyone benefits from work in recovery, so you aren’t putting them out

5 this isn’t about like ,it’s about getting better, i don’t like going to the doctor, but when i’m sick i have to if i want to get better, you are sick

6 don’t try to fix your family, you work on you……………because you don’t have a clue

7 people don’t almost get sober, just like people don’t almost go swimming, they either do or they don’t

8 you didn’t get sick overnight, don’t expect to get well overnight

9 find something to believe in, your fellows, the program, whatever it will lead you to the ”source”

10 don’t care how many people you killed, what drugs or drink you absorbed, there is a way up and out, if you want it and are willing to be honest with yourself, for the first time, and follow a path that has been well traveled. you can go places you never dreamed, do things you never could do, and be part of a productive society by helping others to do the same.

everyday we start over and are only required to do the best we can, and be the best we can for that day

now go make this complicated because you are smarter than the rest of us……we’ve been there