stop looking

an old man once said as he wiped the sweat from his brow

” son i reckon you are about chasing the girls, so i thought you ought to know, there ain’t no perfect ones, never will be”

”so when you are ready and you look for a mate, find one that’s honest and stands up straight, won’t take your lies and can cook food you can eat, that’s about as good as it gets”

”if you can figure out how to get along, you will learn together and make your relationship strong, but she ain’t gonna be perfect, that’s just words in a song so don’t expect to find one”

” now this old gal that i call my wife has threatened me more than once with a butcher knife, but we had three kids and she raised them right, and i respect her for the woman she is and the woman she isn’t ”

” now go have your fun and sow your oats, be careful where you pull the trigger and float your boat, because you are going to pay and that’s a fact and sometimes the fee is reasonable and sometimes it’s someone robbing your bank”

” you can always say no if it sounds to good, and walk away pondering that they meant no good, or follow along like a dog on a leash, where someone is pulling you places you would rather not be”

” the best life to hope for is in the middle of the road, don’t get to high, and don’t get to low”

Uncle Earl………………………… were right