
you put me in a difficult spot, because you wanted your way cost you our friendship because you lied to me this routine you have practicing has worn ever so thin some of us who can be honest with ourselves have decided to step away this isn’t a game i wish to play and i…

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it’s up to me

t’s up to me no longer up to you how deep the poison arrows go they use to pierce me to the bone but now they are more like insect bites i gave you that power some time ago to make yourself bigger with your bow and arrows but i learned to recognize how scared…

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this verse i sing to God my King because He gave us His word a way to live, wisdom it gives a life filled with love this verse i sing to God my King

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it won’t always be an explosion, or a tap on your back could be a gentle wind, or the hairs on the back of your neck might be a song or a face from the past, there are many ways our Spirit Guide uses to connect there are always things we need to address, some…

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MY FATHER HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME,SHOW ME THE WAY TO COME TO THEE through the ups and downs in my life, which i have come to cherish, God has been there for me though i did not always recognize His guide, He never wandered from my side MY FATHER HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME,…

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adopted sister/ for v.h.

so the adoption process wasn’t hard at all, and a very reasonable price to pay the exchange required was respect and care and to help each other along the way we agreed to accept each other as we are and get together often and play and to talk about the feelings we have and to…

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reality pays little attention to me, won’t do a damn thing that i ask even worse when i don’t pay attention to it, it precedes to kick my ass i stop hoping to always like it and that has helped quite a lot , because it doesn’t care about my preferences reality does what it…

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big talk/ little walk

we were visiting the Smokies when i was a kid, we all got moccasins , trinkets and hats and an Indian was there to take pictures with the tourists, we kids thought that was cool, what do kids know i was mesmerized by his presence and the aura that surrounded him, i sensed his peace…

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words do not tell the story, they start the story and the additional lines coerce me into venturing further can words capture………………….no describe…………………yes so i am invited to fill in my questions with suppositions and theories, which makes the story mine i always return to you, after dabbling in other mediums because you were my…

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the peace

finally found something that can fill me up without making me fat the peace the peace that surpasses all understanding or contemplation to feel close to being right size, and comfortable in my skin what a blessing the self-inflicted chaos stage is almost over and it feels good not to have to be constantly filling…

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