take a few steps down from your pedestal it won’t be so high when you fall

oh no, you can keep your crown we are betting how far it will roll

don’t worry about hair, your make-up or your stole

your entourage of what to be’s will help you manage it all

it’s not a matter of judging, you made it clear to us from the start

we where lucky to have you around and we didn’t appreciate the extra lift you brought, no pun intended

so your family has deserted you, because your slice was never big enough

and the boy toys grew up and saw you for the facade you are 

and i hesitate to inform you that you where never what you thought you were

because a queen cannot have a truly loyal following, when she rules

without a heart

broken, rejected you sit alone

and i notice for the first time something out of place, but beautiful

a tear………………………………..a ray of hope after all