learning can be very painful/ i failed me

i failed me

because i was unwilling to see

reality………..instead of what i wanted it to be

i went along with something i felt was wrong

because there were so many i wanted to please

going against my better judgement in the long run

i failed them and i failed me

often in this life doing what is right may not make you many friends

but under the light of life, when they realize you were just trying to do what you felt was right

they will come back around

the honor that is found in standing ones’ ground, not to be arbitrary, but on principal

lasts far longer then the applause of the crowd swayed by fashion or trends of the day

doing what is right, keeps ones soul strong and tight, ready to face the challenges of any day

when the evening rolls around and you lay your head down, sleep will greet you in total peace

i failed myself……………….because i was swayed by emotion and not honesty

learning can be very painful……………………….one doesn’t have to like it, but accept it

otherwise the failure continues to grow