
i met a man on the street and he told me he had found peace and he could show me the way my reply if His theory was going to fly…………….it had to involve God He hemmed and hogged and told me my theory was flawed and i was out-dated in the way i think…

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body guard

i’m calling out my body guard i’ll let Him lead the way i gotten word that thieves abound and they are out to do me harm He is quite the Guy you want leading the way because He has nerves of steel and His emotions don’t get in the way when others see Him coming…

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little child that i am at the age of 64 can get rattled over the smallest things and wants to hide behind the door then i remember that i have a way to face any fear i find starts with me saying a prayer and admitting i need help sometimes i fancy that sometime in…

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mind deodorant

wash my face, wash my hair, brush my teeth, put on clean underwear but inside my mind there is a smell………………….haven’t washed my mind my mind gets filled like a trashcan and what isn’t needed or wanted, i throw away but if i don’t dump it, it isn’t long before it begins to smell lingering…

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do what you can,we’ll help with the rest

do what you can we’ll help with the rest we are in this together and it kind of a test there will be days when we will look back and laugh these days were just getting us ready for the ultimate test could be a sickness, could be death, could be loss of homes, jobs…

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you can close your eyes but it won’t go away a bottle won’t help it’s a temporary fix the notion it will work out, has lost its trick maybe it’s time to do something the excuse your not sure what needs to be done has everyone shaking their heads and moving on i know it’s…

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there were two hobos sitting on a bench they shared a muffin and traded hits off a fifth the older one said son ”you can do better than this” ” but if you choose to stay let me give you a little tip” ”i choose this life because i like trains, i’m not a picky…

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you help me see/ friends

you help me see more than what is in front of me by taking the time to share with simple words that i can understand it lets me know you care so i am not alone in my journey along the roads of life when i am not sure of the way you try to…

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step aside

be aware of other  travelers as they traverse this path of life some will hurry to their destination smile at them and step aside one of the benefits of growing older one can realize the precious gift of time and in an effort to savor each moment take it in and step aside each of…

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