“G” can do anything

i just had this feeling and i followed it and this is what happened

i saw a kite in my closet that had been stored and forgotten, like so many things

i smiled as i retrieved it and my grandchildren got excited at the idea of watching it soar

to their surprise when i finished tying the tail for stability we headed upstairs to the attic

they looked puzzled and wondered why a trip to the park was not preferred

to which i replied, “i just had this notion to try something different”

it was a glorious morning and we were watching the kids as their parents made excuses

to give themselves a break, we didn’t care, they are great teachers and we love having them

the day was calm and there was but a slight breeze

i dropped the kite from the window and it just barely moved and the children looked disappointed

i suggested me wait and see what happened

a few minutes went by and they were getting restless

then out of nowhere a breeze lifted the kite into the air and the currents took over

it was climbing and climbing

the kids were amazed that we were inside flying a kite

they took turns holding the string

Amelia asked, “Papa D why did you decide to do this?”

To which i answered ” God can do anything.”

The others were younger, but i think she will always remember that day.

God can do anything