take what you need/the boys in the tree

take what you need and leave the rest, there will always be more if you past this test

grabbing for all you can get is a signal to God that you don’t believe He will supply your needs

you will always have enough if you share from your cup and odd as it may seem

there will never be a time when your hunger isn’t satisfied, if you can learn to walk in faith


there is an old fable about two boys in a tree

they both were climbing and one lost his grip

with only one hand on a very thin limb, it wouldn’t be long before he fell to the ground

so the friend looked at the very tin limb and feared that it would never hold both of them

but he crawled out on the branch and took his friends hand and they managed to both make it to the ground

his friend said ”thanks” and they looked up at the tree and they both new that a great power had set them both free

introduced to God