nyur shoes/ for dwatts

i would have never known what’s inside of you

if i hadn’t put myself nyur shoes

i would have never had a clue

of how the world might look to you

so what i have gained is insight as to how i might help you

so lets pretend we each can start over again, the simple fact is, that it’s true

and we’ll try on several pair keeping in mind, that the best fit we can get

is the pair that will keep us in step with the paths God wants us to walk

keeping in mind, that cheap shoes are like cheap advice, they never wear well

so it’s a new day and we can walk stride by stride and what life bring’s us

we will share in the ride, i am grateful where your walk took you and my walk took me

and in time we will see it happened just like it was planned to be

nyur shoes, brother to brother

see you soon