because i believe it

i read it because i believe it these words from long ago still ring true today i don’t always understand what they are trying to say but my guardian angel will help me out and explain when i get stuck and it just reinforces the fact it i seek, He will fill my cup then…

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a letter to myself

you’re not going to make saint in case you didn’t hear but you have come a long way from the creep i use to fear i can look you in the eye and feel better about him then the guy who was always looking for somewhere to hang the blame i wondered if you could…

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don’t pee in your pool

respect who you are, where you are , why you are don’t pee in your pool don’t guess, find out and if you can’t, wait, the truth always happens don’t pee in your pool be a blessing not a burden, everyone is carrying a full load because they won’t let go don’t pee in your…

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have the courage to be yourself

sounds strange to make such a statement but it is the truth you will join a very elite group of people if you can make the transition to stop being what others want you to be and to be who you really are to have the courage to stop doing things that aren’t right for…

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tickets are on sale, but they never move fast i don’t understand you would think they would sell fast top it off they are always a steal to get what is offered i guess most don’t think it’s real but i bought the testimonies and all the hype and to tell you the truth they…

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finding me

i almost missed the great opportunity to set aside my illusions and find the real me to have the courage to be who i am stop living a life determine by others whims i am not all that nor less than they i see no reason to try and live another day trying to please…

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the arms of God

i have a place i go to, each morning when i rise isn’t a very long trip, i simply close my eyes try to free my mind from concerns of the day ask the Lord to show me,  where His Path will lead today i once thought it mysterious, something hard to do but as…

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sometimes it was like wading through quicksand sometimes like a walking on the beach sometimes we couldn’t find the right words and we wouldn’t talk for days you came with your issues and i came with mine sometimes we helped each other, often we were blind underneath the smoke there was always a shred of…

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the eyes of a child

may i never grow to old or smart to see the world anew to be aware of the magic that this earth offers me and you when i cannot recall the joy that this world brings or remember looking through the eyes of a child perhaps my time should come to an end for i…

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still giving/ eddie loc

you are sick but i couldn’t tell your spirit soared and it cast a spell and i was on the receiving end you made me feel welcome, i would call you a friend you said you were scared about what you had to face you words carried the message but not your face i was…

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