talking with McQuack

i went to the park to take a walk and ponder why i have such a hard time letting go

i had taken an old loaf of bread to throw to the ducks in the pond

i sat on a bench and opened the bag and soon a hundred ducks where at my feet

i noticed this one chap stood on the outskirts and occasionally went for a crumb

but most of the time he watched as others fought to grab every piece that was thrown

when the bag was empty the others flew away, but this one fellow walked a little closer and stayed

and call me crazy but either way he never opened his beak, but i heard what he said

”my name is McQuack and i wonder if you have come just to feed some fat, greedy ducks or ponder a problem

you’ve been working on”

”i have lived on this pond for thirty years or so and have learned quite a lot from the people who come”

”perhaps you have a situation you would like to share and perhaps i can help with what i have learned from these conversations around the pond”

i replied,” my name is David and i am a little surprised to be chatting with a Duck but i see wisdom in your eyes, and i have learned in this life no matter where it comes from good advice is good advice”

”so it seems a pattern i have come to know, is an issue i have of not be able to let go, of things or people who continue to trouble my life and i struggle to do what i know is right”

then he quacked profusely

he said,”when you met that person where you tied down, did you carefully listen to the crap they threw down, it just didn’t happen you opened yourself up to people and places that would make your life tough. we have choices and the blame is always on us, because when it was first going down you never looked up. if you had you would have noticed that this person or thing was pulling you down and polluting your stream. the stream that flows through everyone and when it is blocked we are out of the flow”

”you see how the others ducks scrambled for you bread, we never go hungry, we are all well fed, but to much of anything is a bad way to go and that’s why some of them had so much trouble getting into the air”

”you looked at me and i heard your thought,” if i could only let things go , like water rolling off a duck, that’s okay and it often does work, but you wouldn’t have to deal with it if you were paying attention at first”

”i am a duck and i don’t like storms or rain, and i try my best to avoid them, the best i can”

”please come again i hope i have helped you because you have helped me, the best we can do is try to learn something everyday, quack” and he flew away

i’m sure he will become a good friend, the lesson i learned is try to discern the difference between a good thing or what has the potential to harm

stay away from the water if you can’t swim