God smiled

you may think i’m crazy

or that i think like a child

but sometimes as i go about my day

i think i see God smile

i would like to think it has to do with how i live my day

i could be wrong but i don’t get that feeling, when things aren’t going my way

the day has a certain order and i don’t make that list and when that list conflicts with mine

often i resist

seems like i am trudging through snow up to my waste and it is generally because things aren’t going my way

if my attitude is one of acceptance than it doesn’t matter where i’m led, i just do the best i can with whats in front of me

i hold the key to the success or failure of each and everyday day and it all revolves around my willingness to let  God have His way

so depending on my attitude and behavior, and the faith that has saved my hide, as i go about my day i think i see God smile