the most important thing i ever said

the most important thing i ever said that opened my heart and un-clogged my head

were three simple words that have kept me fed…………………………….”i don’t know”

doesn’t make me a fool, rather makes me smart that i can be honest and listen to others impart knowledge they have learned along the way and teach me what ”i don’t know”

the journey to wisdom and knowledge is by no means swift, and even some that are gifted have a time with it

because one must be careful not to judge to quick before all the information has been sent, because things can turn on a dime and what we assumed to be true can end up being miles from the truth

the most important thing i ever said that opened my heart and un-clogged my head were three simple words that have kept me fed………………………..”i don’t know”


  1. steve t on July 28, 2018 at 4:13 am

    Spiritual sustenance 🙂