A Friend I Call God

i have a fiend that i call God and He continues to amaze me

often i feel his companionship as i go about my day and sometimes He just tags along

and sometimes He leads the way

i appreciate how He operates, and to my demise I often get my way and He doesn’t say a word

just smiles until i say, ” Okay You were right, i should have waited”and we see what can be repaired and what needs to be thrown away

i know He is very special because i have heard others say, ”He went with me to the bank or such and such and helped me find a way”

so i know He does the same for others as being supportive and a guide and I know He uses people to facilitate hope and give people many chances to change their lives

i don’t even bother to try and convince others who disbelieve or doubt, i have all the proof i need and my life would bear that out

a personal relationship with the Father of the Universe, now i’m not special or particularly smart

but i know the touch of God when i feel it and i see the fruits of His labor

i have a friend i call God