what i can do / what i can’t do

what i can do is walk with you down this path

what i cannot do is carry you down this path

defiance helps you dig your own grave

i can’t take the shovel from you, you have to set it down yourself

this is the game we play until we are ready

  • lost
  • out of options
  • decide to get help
  • better
  • not so bad
  • repeat the cycle over and over

the lucky ones die before the last ounce of life and morality is sucked out of them

the blessed ones, see a break in the clouds and they walk towards the sunlight

i’ve have seen miracles, and one was gifted to me

you will get one too, we all do, some of us recognize it and some just chalk it off as a good day

people are not dragged to recovery, they walk or run there

we must get to a place where we drop anchor and stop

so everything we have been running from can catch up, we face it and grow up

it isn’t a fast process thou everyone would like it to be

you gonna die? or you are going to fly, simple as that