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you have made lying a fine art

i recognized it after a few attempts to use my benevolence against me

i didn’t want to admit that your words got tangled in your mouth when you tried to say them

i know,……………………………….i remember those days when the truth was too hard to handle so i dressed it up in something less revealing

it took awhile but i realized that the ship i was on was being piloted by a captain who wouldn’t look at the map………………….me

you are traveling on a path you chose just like me, i got off because the tolls where more than i could afford or wish to pay………………….my life

you will get a moment of clarity and it will probably seem like it came out of nowhere but it didn’t, it’s God saying ”here’s your shot, i’ll even open the door, but you have to take the first step”

it’s up to you

you could go from liar to giver, i’ve seen it happen many times, but you have to want it