had to let you go/for t.h.
had to let you go because there are so many things you don’t know
and try as i could i couldn’t get you to raise the hood
i was hoping you would see that you are running…………on empty
anyone passing by is blamed for why you can’t get sober
you bed down with thieves and wonder why you get robbed
you may not be legally blind, but you are mentally blind
i had to let you go because you want someone to do it for you
talk and more talk, and more talk and more talk, forming replies before the words are finished
you might make it, i have seen miracles happen and they could happen for you
if………………………………you could shut you mouth, open your ears and get out of the way
that would be the first miracle
you are swimming in the deep end and i didn’t see a life preserver………………….God