song of the wake
the word makes me think of waves
and life rolls in that way, you take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad
pick the pieces up and keep on walking down the road
i wouldn’t want it to be all polished a new, trouble gives everything a different hue
when we get through a trail, we can look back and smile, that God and our friend’s pulled us through
we have no idea where we will roam, nor when we make a bad turn and do harm, but we look for signs of pain and do ourĀ best to refrain from making the same mistake twice
what would i like to say to those along the way, the ones who have left or decided to stay, i hope we have been friends but if that’s not the way it ends i hope at least we have earned each others respect
never lose the joy of a child, never get to old to forget the wonder of a smile and you will have more opportunities to do small things and the big things will take care of themselves
in the end hope to realize its a new beginning and the story continues to unfold and when i learn or see something amazing that will be my voice whispering in your ear
so i will stop and say i love you and it has take has taken a lifetime to know what that means
but i am grateful to have learn the best things i have earned, i can pass along and take with me as i walk away