getting back to me

i’m finally getting back to me

after most of my demons are free

they decided to run away when they knew i wouldn’t play

their crazy hurtful games any more


i was the one who invited them in

because i was scared of who i am

not the best nor the worst but for so long

didn’t measure up, and it kept me from doing the best i can


you may come to such a place in life

don’t know whether to turn left or right

but before you choose, a little advice for you

don’t let fear make that decision for you


so i’m getting back to me

finding out who i was supposed to be

and it feels pretty cool that i did go back to school

and i got my degree in life


whatever you aren’t won’t go away

somethings you can change and some you can’t

the challenge for us all

is being honest enough not to accept things that just need some work


i’m finally getting back to me

now that most of my demons are free

they finally went away when they knew i wouldn’t play

their crazy hurtful games anymore