tomorrow’s a brand new day

that guitar sits over in the corner

sometimes at night it calls to me

”i could help you with your problems , if you would sit  sit down and talk to me”

”i know things didn’t turn out like you wanted…… i know your mad and your peeved”

” but just try to remember one thing, just one thing,it will help you, tomorrow’s a brand new day”

when that sun rises in the morning, and the darkness fades with the light, say a prayer and do your  very best and everything will turn out right

she’s gone and that’s tough to swallow, you got use to having her around, but you didn’t make time for each other and you lost what was once common ground

so you feel like your bleeding all over and it hurt just to breathe, but hold onto this painful memory and maybe you won’t have to go through this again

better to have known love and lost it than to never have known it all, and i know you don’t like what i’m saying, but the truth is the only way we grow