really? better rethink that

how many times have you heard a professed Christian:

  • say a racist remark
  • make fun of someone mentally challenged
  • put down alternative lifestyles
  • say one thing and do another
  • use fowl and abusive language
  • judge others without the slightest knowledge about them
  • place themselves above others

the list could go on and on………………………….yes i know what the Bible says, ”that sin is sin” period

so stop being like me favoring one sin over another

” remember that song in Sunday School, if your happy and you know it clap your hands, if you claim to be a Christian don’t be an ass, if your happy and you know it…………love everyone not just some, if your happy and you know it don’t go to church Sunday Morning and to a kkk meeting Sunday Night”   or something like that

the Man said ”but the greatest of these …is love”

clap your hands