Why God?

i wonder how many times a day You are plied with that question, ”Why God Why”

at least a hundred of those inquires are from me

i am constantly reminding myself that i don’t understand Your Ways, and why You  do certain things and other times it seems You choose not to

in reality to understand You would mean i would have to be You…………………which i also have to remind myself than i am not

i believe in You because of my personal experience and that You would give me the choice to believe or not, and to me that’s pretty cool

You could make me, but You won’t

so I believe in You and You power but you won’t break open the door to my heart, i have to unlock it…………………………that’s because I have a choice and that respect from You, gets respect from me

Your ways are a mystery to me, but I know You love and care for me…………….that part isn’t……………

that is enough