common ground

we’re not lost, don’t need to be found far as i can tell we stand on common ground i don’t really care about your politics, i would like to know your name we breathe the same air and rise to the same sun let’s put all this division aside and let our agendas rest for…

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we are always saying something

your walk, your facial expression, what you are thinking, your hands, your eyes are saying something long before you open your mouth the stage is set for you oration, you set it and most of us are unaware what we are saying i cannot come to you in confusion or dysfunction and expect a good…

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almost there, then what?

one day before my birthday, a thought crosses my mind about tomorrow, it’s almost here, then what? seems like i have been living and waiting all my life to get somewhere, and i am already here tomorrow may be my birthday, which at 64 is just another day and i am grateful for it, but…

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b the one

it only takes one to turn the tide to reach someone who is trying to hide to clear a path where hope can walk in give someone the chance to start over again only takes one who will give an ear and be an audience to someone who needs to share make them feel wanted,…

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it’s called ”looking for God”

you have the best doctors in the world, you really do, but it seems use could use a little more help your wife is driving your son back to school, a 1,000 mile round trip and you want to protect them work is changing everyday and you are worried about your future the bills add…

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empty: holding pattern

empty: not filled depending on your attitude, which everything depends on ones’ attitude, can be a rough place or a new beginning grateful not to feel less than or down, just sorta level…………………………and that’s not a bad place don’t feel the necessity to hurry to the next place or start loading up with anything not…

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they seem to come and go don’t they the clock spins, the world rearranges itself and we protest, fume, accept and adjust not necessarily in that order i am at a point in my life, where i am questioning why i do the things i do what’s my motivation, my intentions i’m sure everyone goes…

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other eyes

i must admit i cannot see most of the things that lie ahead of me so i must depend on a knowledgable friend that has that ability i often forget that i am ill-equipped to handle much of what comes my way but if i have the presence of mind to step aside and let…

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hey over here

artistic people do what they do, because they are compelled to doesn’t matter about applause, or cause, you just have to get it out so i’m over here, look if you dare, something could strike a nerve or pluck a heart string but it’s up to you what you do, i will still be throwing…

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in the back of the drawer

in the back of the drawer is the stuff that has been kept but pushed aside most of it is worthless papers and coupons never used some of this is relevant enough to keep but never filed in its appropriate place …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. the aforementioned is also an accurate description of my mind things that are…

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