almost there, then what?
one day before my birthday, a thought crosses my mind about tomorrow, it’s almost here, then what?
seems like i have been living and waiting all my life to get somewhere, and i am already here
tomorrow may be my birthday, which at 64 is just another day and i am grateful for it, but it isn’t here and today is
i am here, and here and now are all that matters, tomorrow will be here when it gets here, but my focus need always be on what is right in front of me
there is no place to get to, i am already here, the shift deflates the needless longing for something i don’t even have a clue about
to be distraught about something that hasn’t happened is a perfect example of wasting a large part of life
my gift is here, right here, not over there…………………………….after all this time i finally arrived
what a long journey to end up in the same place, ”now”