it’s called ”looking for God”

  • you have the best doctors in the world, you really do, but it seems use could use a little more help
  • your wife is driving your son back to school, a 1,000 mile round trip and you want to protect them
  • work is changing everyday and you are worried about your future
  • the bills add up to the money you have in your checking, one misstep or mishap and you are in trouble
  • work has settled down, you got a nice promotion to the job you have had your eyes on for the last few years, but something is missing
  • you have been married, with no physical infractions for 25 years, raised 3 kids and been through the gamut of hurdles in a relationship, you love each other but something still is missing

friend the simple truth is you are looking for God

we were born with the desire to have a relationship with our Creator, i have long since abandoned debate with those who don’t have a faith

i was lost, was found and was turned around, placed on solid ground………………….i have all the proof i need…………………… and you will find