empty: holding pattern
empty: not filled
depending on your attitude, which everything depends on ones’ attitude, can be a rough place or a new beginning
grateful not to feel less than or down, just sorta level…………………………and that’s not a bad place
don’t feel the necessity to hurry to the next place or start loading up with anything not to feel empty
empty can mean without and that definition would not describe my feelings appropriately
have been so afraid of my emotions for so long and grateful i can examine them without labeling or mood swings
accepting where i am has always carried the connotations that i needed to do something to change it if i found it unacceptable and that still applies, but not change for the sake of change, just because i was restless
i remember being at perfect peace and getting something started just to be in motion
motion and movement are a gift but not always a necessity, to have a purpose is one thing, to be moving just because one is unable or willing to sit still is another
in a holding pattern, took 64 years, almost 65 to get here
empty but not out