i struck out again, when it comes to being controlled by my emotions

i hear the train a comin’ and it’s rolling down the track, and before everyone can get out-of-the-way it knocks them on their backs

doesn’t matter about the issue, it’s a common one that comes up frequently, doesn’t matter if i’m on the right side of the fence………………………….it has me and i’m gone………………..lost in anger

i’m tired, people are tired and i’m about ready to remove myself to a cabin in the woods, which i have…………………and say screw it………………………that’s how i want to fix it………….don’t think God would get much work out of me in the woods…………………..that’s what it’s about doing His work

I can’t do Gods’ work locked up in this jail of anger

G you have the key and i don’t and if you want me to do Your work You are going to have to get me on parole and put a good P.O. in charge, J.C.

mean time i’ll just sit here