the wedding of sugarman

run, run , run, as fast as you can………………….hurry here i come again

it isn’t hard for me to see i by far am my worst enemy

often i like to think there are two, the one that wants to do right and the other that loose

but in reality, it’s just me making half-hearted attempts to do the right thing

the problem with this approach with what is confronting me is this is a game changer that could end me being me

i have been at these gates before, once with alcohol and drugs and i finally surrendered and closed that door,i would think i should recall what a mess i was in and wouldn’t want to repeat that over again

i say i recognize this common thread, but have done little about it except indulge myself and it isn’t illegal but what difference does that make…………..a cheese sandwich will kill you if you eat 10 everyday

my problem is still white and it comes in a bag, just like the powder that had me licked, but no one makes faces when you buy it at the store and it;s just another form of poison like the one before

so ”sugarman” the choice is up to you, keep on playing this game, thinking it won’t catch up with you

as you roll into a room where they talk about recovery…………………you can be a witness that everyone will see

and the thought that will come into their minds will be ”he saw it coming but pretended he was blind” and he refused to listen to all the warning signs

the first addiction didn’t get him but the second was slick, just because it wasn’t illegal doesn’t mean it can’t kill

”sugarman” do yourself a favor and get your two sides married up and help them to stop fighting because it’s eating you up