the great unknown/you are not alone : for lou

the great unknown hit close to home, visited a neighbor down the street

we sat and talked and shared what we thought and i realized how important it is to give

that would not be my first inclination, because this world is all about me

but when i reach out to others, i get a better view on how God wants me to be

He doesn’t want me to pretend i know the answers, even i couldn’t pull that one off

He wants me to be a good listener and let someone else talk

i remember making a statement to a friend and they rolled their eyes and laughed

”God doesn’t give us more than we can handle”and they replied the truth is ” God never gives us more than He can handle” and after a few seconds i was inclined to agree with them

so as you walk this path before you remember you are not alone, pick up the phone and text us and remember you have that Guy up there, watching from His throne