”i’d love to but i can’t”
wouldn’t be unusual for me to step right into your crap, and them when i realize what a mess, i would rant and rave and stamp my feet and try to get out of it
but time and pain have taught me things to avoid what i cannot accept, so my reply to all your chaos ”i’d love to but i can’t”
i see you are quite surprised that i didn’t accept your offer to dive right in, but that’s a small swimming pool and the water smells my friend, so i will let you sort things out and i will walk away, as you yell for help my reply ” I’D LOVE TO BUT I CAN’T”
no i don’t turn my back on a friend when they are in need, but this isn’t life threatening stuff it’s crap you don’t want to face, so before i give you a resentment about stuff you aren’t ready to address, i’ll give you a hug and say a prayer and then say ” i’d love to but i can’t”