
so you have appointed yourself to the bench the power to help or the power to lynch and sometimes we all could use a ”time out” but brother we all need compassion from time to time it took awhile for me to understand that the gift of love can only come from a strong hand…

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i know they are there/one

i am not the little boy in the street that doesn’t have a crumb of bread to eat, that fights off the cold with cardboard and leaves, but i know he is out there i am not the woman who sells her flesh to buy a drug that she injects, and for that one moment…

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few have the courage to be the real person they are supposed to be between pressure from the world around and the confidence to sometimes go it alone, we give in the hippest of the hip are on their own trip and they refuse to be defined or corralled into anything they don’t believe in…

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there is an umbrella that goes with me and protects me from the rain sometimes it rains from the heavens and sometimes it rains from men but it really doesn’t matter where the storm comes from, for I am protected by the umbrella and God surrounds me with His Love so this is the deal…

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kindness / it pays well

doing for others does more for me gives me purpose and sets my heart free to do what it was intended to do be a beacon for hope and hand to help someone up shallow life indeed when i am consumed with me but to get my life back on track i need only look…

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you should call more often

you only call Me when you arse is in a jam and that’s too bad for I AM THE GREAT I AM I saw you in and I’ll see you out, it’s the in between that I could help you out but you have a plan and what do I know I’ve only been here…

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wherever i go/there i am

run,run,run as fast as i can but wherever i go there i am so it makes no difference where i stand, i stand arm in arm with the same old man wasn’t expecting a miracles just a few days in a row when i didn’t regret being me or the crops i sow so you…

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chosen to bear the burden of addiction because i was going to do it my way God didn’t curse me with addiction, rather blessed me i was going to have to make a choice, my way or His way it was going to be like that, a constant battle of my will versus His afraid,…

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rebirth day

my past is part of me and had a heavy hand in determining my present but recognizing the power of affirmation or the lack of it i see how my desire to be loved and needed as well as my desire not to be overly exposed has been in a constant battle i want to…

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the God n me /the God n u

may the God n me see the God n u in everything we say and do when we are confused and life comes unglued may the God n me see the God n u we humans get confused, short on patience, shorter fuse if we can resist the temptation to accuse that pause will help…

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