for everyone

may you find comfort in the trails of this world, from God who loves everyone

may you put away your fears and face a source of unwavering love, He is the God of everyone

when the doubts of ones’ own heart takes the peace from the day, turn to Him and He will help you and he will never go away

the thing that makes me special is that i acknowledge His authority and what i get in return is access to the King

the King for everyone, who makes house calls late at night and reminds me all the time that His kingdom is in sight

this God of everyone will get down in the mire and pull me from the obstacles that this world puts in my way

i have seen Him in the strangest places, when i thought He was far away, when i was doing ” my thing” He never took a break

when i had finished my ”self will ”and life was a mess, He sat down beside me and said,”let Me help you clean up this”

the God of everyone will pat me on the back, or swat me the butt if i get to talking back

i can always count on Him to explain the things i see, because i have a distorted view, ” because it’s all about me”

so i have a simple suggestion, this advice is free, if you are looking for a better way take a tour with Him and it will set you free

He is the God of everyone, all creatures here below and He will show you a better way if you really want to know