the land of tormented hearts

welcome to the land of broken hearts\ i mean tormented hearts

we are running a special on the spring tour as you will witness the joy and exuberance of promises being made

some with the honest intent of fulfillment, and most with the smallest thought given to what has been promised

the overall theme seems to be ”live for today, who cares what we say, tomorrow will come and take it all away, live i say, live for today”

and one can almost see the lack of sincerity and yet they continue to pretend as they go and the play goes on


the second act goes something like this:

” I knew he wasn’t sincere but it was fun to play along, i never gave him but a small piece of my heart to keep him

hanging on, and now the charade is over and no worse for the wear, i only cried a bit because he always said  he

liked my hair”

i know you think i’m am kidding but i watched this show unfold and i was taken back how easily the players switched their roles, and as they hugged goodbye they both hit their phones another play had started and of course the show must go on

this is a superficial world that gets thinner everyday

i started to title this piece ” the land of broken hearts, but they aren’t broken anymore that’s old school, just tormented”

few give a shit to get that deep, you know………………………………………