You said so

You said if i would believe i could spend my time enjoying what You made leave the details up to You You would let me know if there was anything i needed to do i could teach others to live this way, not with words but by watching how i lived and the circle we…

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good to know you are there

makes life a little easier when you can count on certain things that continuum of order assures and comforts this average man also to make that admission that i am more alike then not, makes me part of a community and a part of a greater lot the blessings of this world can be a tricky…

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walk away

when there is no use talking, too much fear in the way take the high road and simply walk away doesn’t need to be an audition for a one act play give it some time and quietly walk away the wires are crossed and the nerves are frayed, sometimes there is no fixing it, calmly…

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the mango queen

long live the mango queen she brings me mangoes in my dreams, i sit beneath her limbs to my heart’s content, enjoying her gifts, in sweet silence perfect moments every time, she rouses me from my sleep her gifts to find, and oh how she loves to see that smile on my face, and i hug…

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i admire the humble turtle, everything it needs is on its back not a bad position to be in, cuts down on a lot of crap strange how we fill our lives with things that end up being stored some never leave their boxes and end up being tossed a simple way to live, having…

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