open or closed

look down this list and identify which term best describes: YOUR MIND YOUR HEART YOUR HANDS YOUR EYES YOUR SPIRIT YOUR BELIEFS YOUR WALLET YOUR HOME YOUR TRUST Which term best describes, open or closed

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broken headed

should one surmise that the mind is a reflection of the heart or the heart is a reflection of the mind…….ttucro i have allowed myself the pollution of my mind, reckoning that it was better to think bad things as long as one didn’t act on them i liken that now to a tiny drip…

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the other side of the fence

brother, the other side of the fence was waiting for me and i was doing my best to earn me a spot but the Lord intervened and i had to stop it wasn’t hard for me to see that what i was doing wasn’t working for me at that point i had gone as far…

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it has always been cool to believe

Jesus was a rebel and He didn’t take any crap he wound up giving His life for you and one day He’s coming back to see what we have down with the freedom we have won, from the sin and bondage of this world if we have followed His Path if we would take advantage…

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haircuts in heaven

people are going to be surprised when they get to heaven yeah , it’s real and it’s real cool lots of things we did on the other side we do here too, but it’s all so different it is all in harmony, everything seems like it is in it’s proper place, there is a certain…

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5 minutes to go

5 minutes to go before they pull the train from the track everyone looks puzzled, they begin to squirm and fret someone says ”i’m not ready for it to be over, i’m not done yet” the conductor strolls through the car and smiles and tips his hat ”end of the line, sometimes it happens like…

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life never lies

life never lies it will look you in the eye and it’s your choice to accept or not the question is always how many lies must we tell ourselves before we give in to reality ”like” is a term that barely finds its way into reality we are blessed to appreciate people, places and things,…

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something you must know

i was reading letters to a young poet by Rilke, my favorite writer/poet and was glad to read about his faith and two indispensible books he had with him at all times, the Bible, and Niels Lyhne by JP Jacobsen. i have been under the impression that so many artists have thought a faith was old…

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these words

these words pale to look on a child’s face when astonished narrow and shallow we would try to explain with these words leaving the recipient dangling the vernacular of a poet can entice, excite and stir the heartstrings, but it can’t take you there so we learn and study the language knowing that we can come…

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buckingham palace

there is a place i dreamed of and it was always on my mind a place of rest and solitude, leave this world behind God was listening to my heart and He planted the seed everything was put in place and Buckingham came to be i cannot begin to recant the peace and comfort it…

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