something you must know

i was reading letters to a young poet by Rilke, my favorite writer/poet and was glad to read about his faith and two indispensible books he had with him at all times, the Bible, and Niels Lyhne by JP Jacobsen.

i have been under the impression that so many artists have thought a faith was old hat and i am learning that all do not perceive it as such, which i find exciting.

i cannot nor would i wish to convey to you what other’s believe, i can only relay what i have come to know as true

there is a God, i am not Him and He loves me in spite of my foolishness

how have i come to know these truths…………… the many times i was tinkering at the abyss and my life was spared, repaired and transformed

things happened due to bad choices and the results were capable of ending my life, and a power i call God intervened

this is my story and my path, you can read it but you can’t walk it

you have to travel your own

but i know with all the certainty i am capable of…………..He Exists

and to the extent i am willing to trust, He will arrange my life to be the most productive and satisfying of any that i could choose, that’s up to me