
there are all sorts of power on this plane

money, position, prestige, notoriety, heritage etc.

the power i am interested in is communal, together

striving to make things better for everyone

i am a recovering alcoholic and addict…………………can’t believe he would come right out and say that

really……………………it is the best thing that could have ever happened

i don’t think so, i know

what it is to be owned by an inanimate fluid and substance.

i gave my self-esteem,my honor, my courage, my sense of right and wrong away to addiction

and i have fought like hell to get it back

i can help other’s because i have been there………………….. i am uniquely qualified because i speak the language and i can talk the talk

it has provided me with an insight into living in hell and moving to heaven

that’s right i live in comparative bliss compared to my former life

i have tasted death, was spared and choose life

thank-you Father for bringing me along

please keep me headed moving closer to you

the power i seek is the power God gives me to be of service to Him

that’s the only power i care about