it’s just me

it’s just me, is that you

or are you entangled in trying to be what others want you to be

the best way for me to get through to you, is for me to be me and you to be you

forget liking everything that i am, it isn’t going to happen so forget that plan

see if there is enough about me that interests you and i do the same and that’s a good place to start

you letting me see you and me letting you see me

drop all pretense and give it a go, i am quite sure there are things about you that will help me to be a better version of me

perhaps our relationship can do the same for you

the sharing of information opens so many doors and we can never be sure what we will explore

but if we are willing to give a little more in time there is absolutely no telling what we will find

ready, set, go

lets shake on the possibility of amazement

we won’t know unless we try