r u living your life or is life living u

r u living your life or is your life living you

it’s not hard to figure, this is what you do

think for a few minutes about your day to day

how much stuff do you do in which you have no say

there is going to be some, but if it’s a lot

perhaps your need to stop and see what can be dropped

everyone is busy to a certain degree but i get those things out of my life that aren’t a necessity

there is only so much time in a day, and for each of us those hours are the same

but what you do with each and every drop, determines if you are living your life or driven by the clock

so running to and fro is activity i ceased long ago and as i have gotten older i see i missed a lot

because i was always under the thumb of the clock

slow down you won’t miss a thing, in fact you will experience many more things worth remembering