shamrocks won’t do it

shamrocks won’t do it, you can bet your lucky stars

that car will run over you, so don’t think you’re in charge

and just because you made it and the bullet only grazed your arm

they are still looking for you and your lucky charms

we played as long as we could but the stakes got to heavy and most of us quit

but no one was going to run you off your turf , mister ” king of the hood ”

so i wasn’t surprised when the word came down

they found you in the river, we’ll just say ” weighed down ”

the message that was neatly folded and placed in a zip lock bag

read ” some people never listen so they learn the hard way ”

that could have described any of us for a long time

for most of us the cost was greater than we were willing to pay

you said we were ” yello” but you’re not saying too much now

not much at all

Mr. Shamrock, hanging down from the roof of your car, how is that working for ya bro?