
the signs that we send speak long before we open our mouths

if you notice the hands, the eyes, the legs they are talking to you

and they may not tell the whole truth but they don’t lie


i watch you as you try to convince yourself and me that you are only enjoying yourself perhaps a little on the heavy side sometimes, but that’s it, no big deal

i seem to remember something about not having a valid drivers license for the last 5 years and driving daily anyway………………….under the influence of something

when the customers i refer to you mention a heavy smell of alcohol, i’m afraid the repercussions are going to come back to me and i have to cut you off, i can’t afford taking the chance of you going off the deep end and me getting mud in my face

i love you brother, but these hyroglifics are hard to deny and easy to read


there is a man riding a horse and he falls off and the horse comes back and over and over again tramples the man to death

you have fallen off the horse brother, get up and get help because the horse is circling back and coming your way